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  • Achenbach, T.M. (1991). Manual for the Child Behavior Checklist/4-18 and 1991 profile. Burlington, VT: Department of Psychiatry, University of Vermont.
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  • Adler, A. (2002). A Case Study of Boys ́ Experiences of Singing in School. Diss. Toronto: University of Toronto. 

  •  Anvari, S. H., Trainor, L. J., Woodside, J., & Levy, B. A. (2002). Relations among musical skills, phonological processing, and early reading ability in preschool children. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology83(2), 111–130.
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  • Aronson, M.E. (2022). Förskollärare kan delta i musikaliskt lekande, men avstår: en kvalitativ studie om musikalisk emancipation. In Ph.d.-avhandling i profesjonsrettede lærerutdanningsfag. Høgskolen i Innlandet.
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  • Ashley, M. (2014) 1000 years and 1000 boys voices. i Choral Singing: histories and practices. Geisler, U, Johansson, K. (eds). Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars.

  • Beidel, D.C., Turner, S.M. & Morris, T.L. (1995). A new inventory to assess social phobia in children: The Social Phobia and Anxiety Inventory for Children. Psychological Assessment, 7, 73-79.

  • Bergman Nutley, S. (2011). Development and Training of Higher Order Cognitive Functions and their Interrelations. Stockholm: Karolinska Institutet.
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  • Bittman, B.B., Berk, L., Shannon, M. et al. (2005). Recreational music-making modulates the human stress response: a preliminary individualized gene expression strategy. Medical Science Monitor, 11, BR31 – BR 40.
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  • Bygren, L.O., Weissglas, G., Wikström, B.M. et al. (2009). Cultural participation and health: a randomized controlled trial among medical care staff. Psychosomatic Medicine, 7, 469-473.
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  • Bojner Horwitz, E., Theorell, T. & Anderberg, U.M. (2003). Fibromyalgia patients own experiences of video self-interpretation: a phenomenological-hermeneutic study. Scand J Caring Science 17: 1–8.
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  • Bojner Horwitz, E., Theorell, T. & Anderberg, U.M. (2004). New technique for assessment of clinical condition in fibromyalgia – a pilot study by video-interpretation. The Arts in Psychotherapy 31:153–164.

  • Bojner Horwitz, E., Kowalski, J., Theorell, T. & Anderberg, U.M. (2006). Dance/movement therapy in fibromyalgia patients: Changes in self-figure drawings and their relation to verbal self-rating scales. The Arts in Psychotherapy 33: 11–25.
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  • Bonde, L.O. (2011). Health Musicing - Music Therapy or Music and Health? A model, empirical examples and personal reflections. Music and Arts in Action, 3(2), 120–140.
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  • Bjørkvold, J-R. (2009). Den musiska människan. Stockholm: Runa Förlag AB.

  • Bygdéus, P. (2019). Relational perspectives in the practices of choir directors. In: Nordic Research in Music Education Yearbook Vol. 19. [ed] Frederik Pio, Alexis Kallio, Øivind Varkøy, Olle Zandén, Oslo: Norges musikkhøgskole, 2018, Vol. 19, p. 97-121.
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  • Bygdéus, P., Haugland Balsnes, A. & Jansson, D. (2019). Nordic Choral Conductor Education: Overview and research agenda. In: Nordic Research in Music Education Yearbook Vol. 19. [ed] Frederik Pio, Alexis Kallio, Øivind Varkøy, Olle Zandén, Oslo: Norges musikkhøgskole, 2018, Vol. 19, p. 137-170.
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  • Bygdéus, P. (2015). Medierande verktyg i körledarpraktik: arbetssätt och handling i körledning med barn och unga.Lund: Media-Tryck, Lund University.
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  • Bygdéus, P. (2012). Uttryck genom handling: Medierande verktyg i körledararbete med barn och unga. Lund: Media-Tryck, Lund University.
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  • Bygdéus, P. (2011). Artistic leadership. The Design of a study for making visible mediating tools for choir directors. In: Choir in Focus 2011, eds Geisler, U. and Johansson K., p. 75-88. Göteborg: Bo Ejeby Förlag.
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  • Chapman, J. (2006). Singing and teaching singing: a holistic approach to the teaching of classical voice. San Diego: Plural Publishing.

  • Demorest, S.M. (2000). Encouraging Male Participation in Chorus: A carefully planned workshop for adolescent boys can motivate them with stimulating rehersals, a chance to hear male choruses, and a final performance opportunity.Music Educators Journal 2000 86 (4), 38-41.

  • de Manzano, Ö., Ullén, F. (2018) Same Genes, Different Brains: Neuroanatomical Differences Between Monozygotic Twins Discordant for Musical Training. Cereb Cortex. 2018 Jan 1;28(1):387-389. doi:10.1093/cercor/bhx299
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  • Eiksund, Ø.J. (2019). Koret som spenningsfelt. Mellom det små og det store. Oslo: Norges musikhögskola.
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  • Eriksson, I., Undén, A-L. & Elofsson, S., Self-rated health (2001). Comparisons between three different measures. Results from a population study, International Journal of Epidemiology, Volume 30, Issue 2, April 2001, Pages 326-333.
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  • Fagius, G. (2015). Sångens betydelse för barn och unga. s. 176 – 184. I Kultur och Folkhälsa – Antologi om forsknings och praktik. Red. Bojner Horwitz E, Hogstedt C, Wistén P and Theorell T.
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  • Ferm Almqvist, C., Hentschel, L. (2019). The (female) situated musical body: Aspects of caring, Per Musi, (39), pp. 1–16.
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  • Finney, J. (2000), Curriculum Stagnation: The case of singing in the English National Curriculum. Music Education Research, 2(2).
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  • Fitts, W. H., Warren, W. L. (1997). Tennesse Self Concept Scale TSCS:2. Second Edition Manual (2nd ed. ed.). Los Angeles: Western Psychological Services.

  • Fogelqvist, A.C., Yamoun, M. (2015). Vi slår på trummor inte på varann. I Kultur och Folkhälsa – Antologi om forsknings och praktik. Reds Bojner Horwitz E, Hogstedt C, Wistén P and Theorell T. s. 202-208.
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  • Freer, P. K. (2009). “Two decades of research on possible selves and the ’missing males’ problem in choral music”. International Journal of Music Education 28 (1): 17-30.
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  • Freer, P. K. (2015). Perspectives of European boys about their voice change and school choral singing: developing the possible selves of adolescent male singers. British Journal of Music Education32(1), 87–106.
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  • Gabrielsson, A. (2011). How do strong experiences with music relate to experiences in everyday listening to music? In: Deliège I & Davidson J (Ed.), Music and the mind. Essays in honour of John Sloboda. New York: Oxford University Press, 2011.
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  • Gabrielsson, A. (2011). Strong experiences with music: Music is much more than just music. Oxford Univ. Press.
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  • Grape Viding, C., Osika, W., Theorell, T., Kowalski, J., Hallqvist, J. & Bojner Horwitz, E. (2015). The Culture palette – a randomized intervention study for women with burnout symptoms in Sweden. British J of Med Pract. 2015;8(2):a813.
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  • Guhn, M., Emerson, S.D. & Gouzouasis, P. (2020). A population-level analysis of associations between school music participation and academic achievement. Journal of Educational Psychology, 112 (2).
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  • Hall, C. (2005). Gender and boys singing in early childhood. British Journal of Music Education 22 (1): 5- 20. 
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  • Harrison, S.D., Welch, G.F. & Adler, A. (2012). Perspectives on Males and Singing. Dordrecht, London: Springer. 
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  • Harrison, S.D. (2009). Male voices. Stories of boys learning through making music. Victoria: ACER Press.

  • Hedell, K. (2009). Klang i kör. Uppfattningar om körsång och klang i efterkrigstidens Sverige. STM- Online, 12.
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  • Hentschel, L. (2017). Sångsituationer: en fenomenologisk studie av sång i musikämnet under skolans senare år. (PhD dissertation.) Umeå: Umeå universitet.
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  • Hentschel, L. (2017). Den könade sången – exempel från grundskolans musikundervisning. I Estetiska ämnen och genus (2018) Skåreus, E. (red). Institutionen för estetiska ämnen, Umeå universitet.

  • Hentschel, L. (2024). Alla deltar på olika sätt – Demokrati, genusmedvetenhet och delaktighet inom Rösträtt – sång på förskolan, nationellt projekt. Forskningsrapport. Umeå: Umeå universitet.
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  • Holmberg, Y. (2014). Musikskap: musikstundens didaktik i förskolepraktiker. Diss. Lund : Lunds universitet, Malmö.
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  • Holmberg, Y. (2014). Rösträtt. Musik på barns villkor. Stockholm: Gehrmans Musikförlag.

  • Holmberg, Y. (2017). Musikskap i förskolan: musikstunder ur ett didaktiskt perspektiv. (Första upplagan). Stockholm: Liber.
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  • Holmberg, Y., Vallberg Roth, A.C. (2018). Flerstämmig musikundervisning i förskola. Barn. 36 (79-94) 3-4.
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  • Holmberg, Y. (2022). Didaktik informed teaching arrangements in preschool exemplified by multivocal music teaching using digital technology as a tool. Educare, (5), 102–140.
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  • Holmberg, Y., Vallberg Roth, A.C. (xxxx). Post-structurally and didaktically informed teaching arrangements in preschool – exemplified by “Rhythmatecs” as multivocal teaching in preschool (coming).

  • Ilari, B.S., Keller, P., Damasio, H. & Habibi, A. (2016). The development of musical skills of underprivileged children over the course of 1 year: A study in the context of an El Sistema-inspired program. Frontiers in Psychology, 7, Article 62. New York Academy of Sciences. 1060: 231–242.
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  • Jentschke, S., Koelsch, S., Sallat, S. & Friederici, A.D. (2005). Investigating the Relationship of Music and Language in Children Influences of Musical Training and Language Impairment.
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  • Jentschke, S., Koelsch, S., Sallat, S. & Friederici, A.D. (2008). Children with Specific Language Impairment Also Show Impairment of Music-syntactic Processing. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 2008 20:11, 1940-1951.
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  • Jillefors, K., Schein, V. (1999) Röstläget i sång och tal hos 5-åringar. Magisteruppsats i logopedi, Enheten för logopedi och foniatri, Karolinska institutet. Stockholm.

  • Johnson, D. (ed.) (2018) Confluence: perspectives from an intercultural music exchange in Nepal. 1 ed.Lund: Musikhögskolan i Malmö, Lunds universitet.111 p.(Perspectives in Music and Music Education; no. 12).
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  • Johnson, D. (2020). The decline of singing in compulsory Swedish music education: an historical survey of curricula from 1955 to the present. In Van der Sandt, J. (Ed.), Singing with Children: International perspectives. LIM.

  • Johnson, D., Zadig, S. (2020). Att låta på olika sätt: Genrebredd och kvalitetskriterier i Rösträtt, 26p.
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  • Johnson, D. (2021). Raising Voices: singing repertoire and practices in Swedish schools. Lund: Musikhögskolan I Malmö, Lunds universitet.204 p.
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  • Karjalainen, S., Sahlén, B., Falck, A., Brännström, J., & Lyberg-Åhlander, V. (2019). Implementation and evaluation of a teacher intervention program on classroom communication. Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology, 1-13.
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  • Knecht H.A., Nelson P.B., Whitelaw G.M. & Feth L.L (2002). Background noise levels and reverberation times in unoccupied classrooms: predictions and measurements. Am. J. Audiol. 2002;11:65–71.
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  • Kristoferson, L., Wrangsjö, B. (2019). Det är farligt att inte sjunga: vad det betyder att sjunga i kör–- musikaliskt, psykologiskt och socialt. Stockholm: Carlssons.

  • Koza, J.E. (1993-1994). “Big boys don´t cry (or sing): Gender, misogyny, and homophobia in college choral methods textbooks”. The Quarterly Journal of Music Teaching and Learning 4 (4): 48-64
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  • Kullenberg, T. (2014). Signing and singing  : children in teaching dialogues. Högskolan för scen och musik, Konstnärliga fakulteten, Göteborgs universitet.
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  • La Greca, A.M. (1998). Manual for social anxiety scale for children and adolescents. Miami, FL: University of Miami.

  • Lennartsson, A.K., Bojner Horwitz E., Theorell T. & Ullén F. (2017). Creative artistic achievement is related to lower levels of alexithymia. Creativity Research Journal, 29(1): 29-36.
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  • Lindblad, F., Hogmark, Å. & Theorell, T. (2007). Music intervention for 5th and 6th grader – effects on development and cortisol secretion. Stress and Health, 23: 9-14.
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  • Lowe, G. (2012). Lessons for teachers: what lower secondary school students tell us about learning a musical instrument. Int J Music Educ. 2012; 30: 227–43.
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  • Lyberg-Åhlander, V., Brännström, K.J. & Sahlén, B.S. (2015). On the interaction of speaker’' voice quality, ambient noise and task complexity with childre’'s listening comprehension and cognition. Front Psychol, 6, 871.
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  • Lökken, B.I., Rangul, V., Merom, D., Ekholm, O., Krokstad, S. & Sund, E.R. (2018). Are playing instruments, singing or participating in theatre good for population health? Associations with self-rated health and all-cause mortality in the HUNTS3 study (2006-2008), Norway. I Bonde LO och Theorell T (red) Music and public health – a Nordic perspective. Springer Books ISBN 978-3-319-76239-5.
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  • Mc Allister, A., Rantala, L. & Jónsdóttir, V.I. (2019). The Others Are Too Loud! Children’s Experiences and Thoughts Related to Voice, Noise and Communication in Nordic Preschools. Front Psychol., 21 August 2019.
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  • Maule, E., Hilpold, M. (2013). The Influence of Singing on 15-year-old Students School Performances in Mathematics, Science and Reading Comprehension. American Journal of Educational Research 1, no. 8 (2013): 294-299. doi: 10.12691/education-1-8-5.
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  • Maxwell, L.E. (2010). Chaos ouside the home: the school environment. i Evans, G. W., Wachs, T D. (Ed). Chaos and its influence on children’s development. American Psychological Association. 
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  • Nelson, P.B., Soli, S.D. & Seltz, A. (2002). Acoustical Barriers to Learning. Acoustical Society of America; Melville, NY, USA: 2002. 
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  • Nielsen, F.V. (1998). Almen musikdidaktik. (2., rev. og berabejdede udg.) København: Akademisk forl.

  • Ng, C., Hartwig, K. (2011). Teachers' perceptions of declining participation in school music. Res Study Music Educ 2011; 33: 123–42.
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  • Ouvinen-Birgenstam, P. (1984). Identitetsutveckling hos barn – En jämförelse mellan finska, jugoslaviska och svenska barn. Lund. Studentlitteratur (diss.)

  • O’Toole, P. (1998). A missing chapter from choral methods books: how choirs neglect girls. Choral Journal 39 (5): 9–32.

  • Patel, S.D. (2008). Music, language and the brain. New York: Oxford University Press.

  • Powell, S. (2015). Masculinity and choral singing: An Australian perspective. International Journal of Music Education, 33(2), 233–243. 
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  • Persson-Waye, K., van Kamp, I. & Dellve, L. (2013). Validation of a questionnaire measuring preschool children’s reactions to and coping with noise in a repeated measurement design. BMJ open, 3(5), e002408.
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  • Ruud, E. (2013). Can music serve as a “cultural immunogen”? An explorative study. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-Being, 8(1).
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  • Ruud, E. (2020, in press). Toward a Sociology of Music Therapy — Musicking as Cultural Immunogen. Dallas TX: Barcelona Publishers.

  • Saarikallio, S. (2011). Cross-cultural approaches to music and health. In R.MacDonald, G. Kreutz & L. Mitchell (eds.) Music, Health and Wellbeing. OUP. Finns att ladda ner här.

  • Saffran, J.R., Johnson, E.K., Aslin, R.N. & Newport, E.L. (1999). Statistical learning of tone sequences by human infants and adults. Cognition, 70(1), 27-52.
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  • Schellenberg, E, Weiss, M. (2013). Music and cognitive abilities. In: Deutsch D, editor. The psychology of music. London, UK: Academic Press, 2013: 499–550. Finns att ladda ner här.

  • Schön, D., Boyer, M., Moreno, S., Besson, M., Perez, I. & Kolinsky, R. (2008). Songs as an aid for language acquisition. Cognition, 106(2), 975-983.
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  • Spychiger, M. (1995). Mehr Musikunterricht an effentlichen Schulen? Hamburg: Kovac.

  • Sweet, B. (2018). Voice Change and Singing Experiences of Adolescent Females. Journal of Research in Music Education66(2), 133–149.
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  • Södersten, M. (2008). Röstens utveckling och åldrande. I Hartelius, L., Nettelbladt, U., Hammarberg, B. (ed) Logopedi. Lund: Studentlitteratur.

  • Theorell, T., Bojner Horwitz, E. (2019.) Emotional effects of live and recorded music in various audiences and listening situations. Medicines, 06, 00016.
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  • Theorell, T., Lennartsson, A.K., Mosing, M.A. & Ullén, F. (2014). Musical activity and emotional competence – a twin study. Frontiers in Psychology. 16;5:774.
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  • Theorell, T., Kowalski, J. & Bojner Horwitz, E. (2019) Music listening as distraction from everyday worries. Nordic Journal of Art, Culture and Health 1: 35-46, 2019.
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  • Theorell, T., Lennartsson, A.K., Madison. G., Mosing, M.A. & Ullén, F. (2015). Predictors of continued playing or singing-from childhood and adolescence to adult years. Acta Paediatr. 104(3):274-84.
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  • Theorell, T. (2020). Noter om musik och hälsa. Carlsson förlag. Stockholm.

  • Trehub, S.E. (2003). Musical predispositions in infancy: An update. In I. Perez & R Zatorre (Eds.), The cognitive neuroscience of music (p.3-20). Oxford University Press.
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  • Vallberg Roth, A.C., Holmberg, Y., Löf, C. & Stensson, C. (2020). Didaktik: flerstämmig undervisning i förskolan. Lund: Studentlitteratur AB.

  • Vesterlid Strøm, R., Eiksund, Ø.J. & Haugland Balsnes, A. (2022). Antologi: Samsang gjennom livsløpet. Cappelen Damm Akademisk/NOASP, Oslo.
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  • Welch, G. et al. (2009). Researching the second year of the National Singing Programme in England: an ongoing impact evaluation of children’s singing behaviors and singer identity. iMerc, London: England.

  • Welch, G.F. & Perti, C. (2018). Singing as inter- and intra-personal communication. In The Oxford Handbook of Singing. Welch, G.F., Howard, D. M., Nix, J. (Reds). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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  • Welch, G.F. (2005). Singing as communication. Oxford: University Press Scholarship Online.
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  • Welch, G.F. (2006). Singing and vocal development. Oxford: University Press Scholarship Online.
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  • Welch, GF., Howard D.M., Nix, J. (ed) (2019). Oxford handbook of singing. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

  • Woolner, P., Hall, E. (2010). Noise in schools: a holistic approach to the issue. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 7(8): 3255-3269.
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  • World Health Organization (WHO). Regional office for Europe (2019). (Eds) D. Fancourt and S. Finn. Health Evidence Network Synthesis Report 67: What is the evidence on the role of the arts in improving health and well-being? A scoping review.
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